San Francisco Domestic Violence Lawyer



Take control of your situation.

A person accused of domestic violence faces tremendous challenges in the criminal justice system. A number of shocking, high-profile domestic violence cases have gripped the= headlines in recent months, and it should come as no surprise that law enforcement, prosecutors, and lawmakers are cracking down on these types of allegations.

These situations are often far more complex than they first appear. There are multiple sides to every story – when you retain Amin Law, our skilled San Francisco criminal defense attorneys will fight tirelessly to ensure that your side is heard in court. The firm draws upon the skills of a former Deputy Public Defender with the knowledge and experience you need on your side when facing any type of criminal charge.

The hidden consequences of a conviction

The potential jail time and hefty fines for a domestic violence conviction are serious enough, but the consequences do not end there. Your personal and professional reputation can be tarnished. Your parental rights may be stripped. You may even find it difficult to find a place to live.

A domestic violence conviction can haunt you in many ways, including:

  • Affecting the outcome of a child custody hearing
  • Stripping you of your professional license, such as a teaching certificate
  • Making it nearly impossible to obtain a public service job
  • Costing you your current employment

If you're facing domestic violence charges, you do not have to sit idly and accept the potential consequences. It is possible—and indeed crucial—that you fight back with help from a knowledgeable San Francisco Bay Area domestic violence defense lawyer who knows the court system.

Arrested for a violent crime? Schedule a free consultation with our attorney today.

Take Quick Action To Protect Your Future

Due to the often emotional retaliatory nature of domestic violence charges, it is not uncommon for them to be dismissed or reduced. However, it is extremely important that you act quickly to mount a strong defense. By retaining a lawyer early in the process, they can often work to shape the case in your favor before charges are filed.

Trust your case to AMIN LAW, P.C.. We can provide highly personalized legal solutions and dedicated representation in your time of need, working skillfully to defend your rights and future. We know how to defend against domestic violence charges, and we're prepared to pull out all the stops on your behalf.

Don't take risks with your defense! Contact our San Francisco criminal lawyer online or call us at 415-851-4300.


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Contact Us Today

Amin Law,P.C., is committed to answering your questions about Criminal Defense, DUI Defense, Domestic Violence, Personal Injury Law, Family Law, ADA, Business Contract Drafting, Reviews, and Resolutions, Business Formations, Transactions, and Resolutions, and Intellectual Property Law issues in San Francisco.

Contact us today to schedule an appointment.
